You can download my CV in PDF format from the button on the right.


Name Lorenzo Olearo


  • 2022 - current

    Milano, Italy

    University of Milano-Bicocca
    Computer Science
    • Computer Vision, Advanced Machine Learning, Visual Information Processing, IoT, Industrial Systems
  • 2019 - 2022

    Milano, Italy

    University of Milano-Bicocca
    Computer Science
    • Signal Processing, Image Processing
  • 2013 - 2018

    Novara, Italy

    ITI Omar
    • Electronics, Embedded Systems, IoT


  • 2023.8 - 2024.6
    Data Analyst
    MultiMedia Signal Processing (MMSP) Laboratory
    I worked as a data analyst for the “AMPEL” project. The project aims at the development of a system that can predict multidimensional poverty of older people from unlabelled categorical data. I worked on the data preprocessing and the development of the machine learning models. I then moved on the academic paper that was submitted and presented by me at AIxAS 2023. This work was recently selected and accepted for an extetion in the journal "Intelligenza Artificiale".
    • Data Analysis
    • Machine Learning
    • Academic Research
  • 2023.3 - 2023.7
    Tutor for the "Computer Architecture" course
    University of Milano-Bicocca
    I tutored a first year course of the Computer Science Bachelor's degree, during my assignment I taught some of the labs in the course while also prividing support and handouts for student.
    • Teaching
    • Computer Architecture
    • MIPS
    • Digital Electronics
  • 2022.3 - 2022.6
    Intern Researcher
    Imaging and Vision Laboratory
    I conducted a research on the effects of temporal aggregators in Speaker Verification. The re- search involved a deep study of the state-of-the-art in signal and speech processing as well as comprehensive review of the current deep learning approaches and architectures. Five temporal aggregators have been analyzed: TAP, GSP, SAP, ASP, and VLAD. Results show that attention- based aggregators perform better than the counterparts. Furthermore, parameterless aggrega- tors show poorer ability to generalize on long utterances.
    • Sound Processing
    • Speaker Verification
    • Deep Learning
  • 2021.3 - 2021.6
    C Programmer
    I worked as a C programmer for Linux systems, I coded from the first line of the main a multi-threaded service that queries a remote sockets generating XML and Json files that will later be processed by other higher level applications.
    • C
    • Linux
    • Socket Programming


  • 2022.10 - current

    Milano, Italy

    unixMiB - University of Milano-Bicocca
    I am responsible for coordinating with other committee members, assigning tasks and ensuring that extensive preparations are made to ensure the success of the events and talks. Thanks to our efforts, the Linux Day we organise each year continues to be one of the most successful events at the university, attracting a large number of students and the top companies in the field.
    • Linux Day 2023
    • Linux Day 2024 (in preparation)


Signal Processing with MATLAB
MATLAB Training Services
English C1
University of Milano-Bicocca


Native speaker
Fluent - C1