About me


I am a student at the end of my Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca with expected graduation in October 2024 with top marks. Currently, under the supervision of Prof. Simone Melzi, I am working on my thesis investigating the spatial behavior and improving the faithfulness of Diffusion Models (DMs). My journey through this program has solidified my passion for academic research and my desire to contribute to the field of Generative Image Synthesis.

I am passionate about computer vision, signal processing and deep learning, which have been the main specialization areas of my degrees and internships. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to enter the world of academic research while also working as a Teaching Assistant, these experiences paired with my enthusiasm for Open Source spiked my interest to continue with an academic career as a researcher. I also had the opportunity to present one of my works in a workshop at the annual Italian conference on artificial intelligence, this was one of the most formative experiences of my entire academic career up to now and made me realize how important it is to participate, discuss and contribute in the research community.

During the two years of my Master’s program, I held the role of chairman of the association promoting open source in my university. Together with my colleagues, I organized numerous events, including the annual Linux Day, which attracted over 400 participants. This experience not only reinforced my commitment to open source and knowledge sharing but also gave me the skills to plan and execute large-scale conferences.

Past Research Experience

I focused my Bachelor’s on studying the theoretical and practical aspects of Signal and Image Processing. At the time I was interested in working with spectrograms in time-frequency analysis, and this led me to explore the task of speech recognition during my Bachelor’s thesis. This work aimed to investigate how temporal aggregation affects the performance of deep learning models in the speaker verification task. The findings of my thesis were later published in a paper presented at ICEE Berlin 2022 [1].

I later followed my studies with a Master’s degree in which I moved towards the fields of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. During this time, I won a research grant under Prof. Francesca Gasparini to develop a novel data analysis framework in a categorical and multidimensional setting. The results of this work were published [2] and presented by me at the AIxAS 2023 workshop. Furthermore, this work was later selected for an extension and publication in the Journal “Intelligenza Artificiale” and as of writing this, the manuscript has been accepted and it is now waiting to be published in the next issue.

Although in different fields, thanks to the projects I have been involved in during my degrees I have gained practical experience with the world of academic research. These experiences spiked my interest in the research world leading me to pursue my studies with a PhD.

Current Research

I am fascinated by the field of Generative Image Synthesis. I find the concept of creating images out of nothing but a thought to be incredible. I began working in this field during my Master’s thesis with the aim to explore how spatial information is constructed during the synthesis of an image in a diffusion pipeline.

My interest in the field of Generative Image Synthesis has drawn me toward two main research questions:

  1. The initial seed: how does the initial noise affect the spatial composition of the generated image?
  2. Spatial conditioning: where and how is the spatial information encoded in the model? How can we control it?

I started working on Diffusion Models during my Master’s thesis with Professor Simone Melzi. I first began by investigating the topic of conceptual and spatial blending with DMs. This initial work allowed me to gain familiarity with DMs and, an understanding of their implementation and mathematical principles. Furthermore, the findings of this research allowed me to gain valuable insights into how semantics is spatially constructed during the synthesis of an image. The results of this initial work were submitted and accepted at the EKAPI 2024 workshop. This work is currently in press, you can check out some of the results in my blog post Blending Diffusion Models.

The initial seed

The initial seed Diffusion Models (DMs) were first introduced in 2015 by Sohl-Dickstein et al. [3] but only in 2020 with the work of Ho et al. [4] their potential in high-resolution image synthesis was fully realized. DMs are a class of generative models inspired by non- equilibrium statistical physics, the main idea behind these models is to systematically and slowly destroy the structure in the data through an iterative forward diffusion process until pure noise is obtained, this process is modeled as Markov chain that gradually adds noise to the data. To then reverse this process, a parameterized Markov chain trained using vari- ational inference is learned. This parametrization can be greatly simplified using sampling chains with conditional Gaussian when the diffusion process is modeled with small amounts of Gaussian noise.

Despite the numerous advancements since their introduction, one of the key open issues with DMs is their unpredictable behavior due to their reliance on the Markov chain to reverse the diffusion process. This makes the reverse process particularly sensitive to the initial noise from which the image is generated: two identical models with the same conditioning signal will generate considerably different results when starting with different initial noises. Having such an unpredictable behavior, users end up running multiple times the same model with the same conditioning signal until satisfied with its spatial content. This poses a serious issue especially when considering the huge computational and environmental impact of these models. A more predictable and controllable behavior is needed to make these models more sustainable and scalable in a real-world scenario.

While working on blending DMs for my latest publication, I found that the encoding stage of the UNet model has some interesting properties that could be exploited to reduce the variability of the generated images. I have found that conditioning at different levels changes which features are represented in the final image, moreover, from initial experiments I suspect that the shape is entirely defined in the encoding part of the model while the details related to the semantics of the prompt are added in the decoding part. I find this behavior particularly interesting and plan to explore it further during my PhD as I believe this could give rise to a new and better way to condition DMs.

Some variability in the image generation is still desirable as the user cannot be expected to provide the entire description of every aspect of the image he has in mind, the model should still be able to add some “unexpected variations” during the synthesis. What I plan to explore is a new and more controllable method to condition the generation, not removing any aspect of stochasticity in the synthesis but rather understanding where the different 2elements of the semantic are constructed during the generation.

Spatial conditioning

My interest in making DMs more controllable led me to the question of how to control the spatial composition of the final image. While semantic conditioning has been widely explored, spatial conditioning and its relationship with the semantic content of the generated image is an open challenge. The advancements in this field are limited and extremely recent, most of the work in the area has been presented during the last year at top conferences in computer vision.

Many approaches have been proposed with different levels of success, I find the method proposed by Zhang et al. in ControlNet [5] to be one of the smartest and most elegant up to date. Instead of adding additional channels to the diffusion process like in [6] and the StabilityAI depth-to-image Stable Diffusion model [7], the authors proposed to lock the weights of the production ready diffusion model and train a copy of its encoding blocks on a new conditioning task, the two models are then connected with zero-convolution. The authors show that this approach allows the control of Stable Diffusion with various conditioning inputs, including Canny edges, Hough lines, user scribbles, human key points, segmentation maps, shape normals, and depths.

This approach is particularly efficient and has been greatly adopted by the image synthesis community. Furthermore, the model used to condition the generation is also way cheaper to train compared to the previous approaches. Comparing it in depth-to-image task with the Stability AI model mentioned earlier trained with a large-scale NVIDIA A100 cluster for thousands of hours, ControlNet was trained for 5 days on a single consumer-grade NVIDIA 3090Ti GPU.

I think the approach proposed by ControlNet reinforces my previous hypothesis that the shape is defined in the encoding part of the UNet model, this is one of the arguments that I plan to clarify during my PhD. If this is true, it could lead to a new way to control the spatial composition of an image, for example, assume we are interested in generating human subjects in different poses, the pose of the subject could be controlled by injecting a pose embedding in the encoding layers of the UNet while its details and characteristics could be controlled by the prompt embedding injected in the decoding blocks.

Future Plans

My career aspiration is to become a researcher and possibly a professor in the field of Generative Image Synthesis, this choice is driven by my experience as a teaching assistant during my Master’s degree and my passion for sharing knowledge with others. Pursuing a PhD will allow me to continue my research and studies while gaining further teaching experience.

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